Select payment method
You need to pay: USD 450 (RMB 3222)
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You need to pay: USD 450 (RMB 3222)

Recipient's information:

First name/Given name: HUI
Last name/Family name: ZHANG
CUCAS recommends applicants who are inconvient with T/T or PayPal payments use Western Union (especially African applicants).
Go to your nearest Western Union service provider. Remember to take INVOICE with you.
Fill in the form provided and show your government-issued identification card or other supporting documents to the service provider.
The service provider will wire the money for you.
You will be required to sign a receipt after you have verified all the details printed on the receipt are correct. One of the details printed on the receipt is your Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN).
Please upload the photocopy of your receipt with MTCN in time to make sure CUCAS confirm your payment.
You need to pay: USD 450 (RMB 3222)

Account Info

Account No.: 11050163560000001593
Bank Info: China Construction Bank, Beijing Br. Qinghuayuan Subbr.
Intermediate Bank Info: Bank of America, New York
Swift Code: BOFAUS3N
Fedwire: FW 026009593
Applicants overseas can use bank transfer to pay the application fee in US Dollars.
Please take your invoice when you go to the bank. Don't forget to leave your Application ID when you wire the money.
Please upload the photocopy of your bank receipt to make sure CUCAS could confirm your payment. It usually takes 2-3 weeks for the banking system to confirm an overseas payment. Please wait patiently.
You need to pay: USD 450 (RMB 3222)


账户名(Account Name): 北京问程教育科技有限公司
账号(Accout Number): 11050163560000001593
开户行(Bank): 中国建设银行北京清华园支行
Applicants in China can use a direct bank transfer to pay the application fee in RMB.
If you are in China or you have a friend in China, you could pay your application fee in RMB through China's bank. Please take your invoice below when you or your friend goes to the bank.
Please upload the photocopy of your bank receipt to make sure CUCAS could confirm your payment. It usually takes 2-3 working days for the banking system to confirm the payment.
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